Focused on local efforts to build disaster recovery capacity and innovative ideas in recovery and resilience.
The Smart Home America team attends the 2019 Southeast & Caribbean Disaster Recovery Workshop - (Left to Right) Hank Hodde, Julie Shiyou-Woodard, Ashlie Anderson, and Graham Green.
The workshop, hosted by the Southeast Disaster Recovery Partnership in Savannah, GA, featured discussions about local efforts to build disaster recovery capacity and innovative ideas in recovery and resilience. The workshop concluded with the development of a brief on top priorities for disaster recovery in the Southeast.
During the two-day workshop, presenters discussed the various parts of disaster planning, recovery, and resilience, including:
- Savannah’s success with creating a disaster recovery plan, a much-needed action amongst many coastal communities.
- Recurring events, such as “sunny-day flooding,” which affect cities like Charleston, SC.
- Several innovative projects in disaster planning and recovery from Masters and Doctorate students from across the nation, including MIT.
- Business Continuity and the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety’s (IBHS) Open for Business program, a resource for businesses to plan for disasters and recovery
Smart Home America had the opportunity to present twice, first during the “New Friendships and Connections Across Sectors” panel. We shared about how our partnerships with the private sector have proved valuable in achieving common goals. In our final presentation, we focused on how Alabama is successfully using FORTIFIED Home™ to strengthen their housing stock and create communities more resistant to damage from hurricanes and severe weather.
We are grateful for the opportunity to attend our first SDRP workshop, forging new partnerships and broadening our perspective and understanding of the work of disaster recovery and resilience.