Build Strong. Build FORTIFIED.
With extreme weather events becoming more frequent and costly, the demand for FORTIFIED training has never been greater. The FORTIFIED program is based on more than 20 years of building science research, which is the foundation for its professional certifications and credentials. FORTIFIED provides the strongest and most critical building standards for high-risk areas in the plains and coastal states.

FORTIFIED Wise™ Training
This one-day session provides participants with a solid understanding of the FORTIFIED Home building principles, construction practices, and verification requirements in hurricane-prone or high wind and hail-prone areas.
Insurance Agents • Building/Code Officials • Product Manufacturers • General Contractors • Architects • Engineers •
Real Estate Professionals • Specialty Trade Contractors • Subcontractors

The FORTIFIED Wise course is approved for:
- 6 CE credits for MS and AL insurance agents
- 1 CE credit for code enforcers through the International Code Council (ICC)
- 6 CE credits for American Institute of Architects (AIA) members
- 6 CE credits from Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors
- 6 CE credits from the Oklahoma Department of Insurance
for adjusters and producers
FORTIFIED Wise™Roofer Training

The FORTIFIED Wise Roofer demonstrates a solid understanding of the critical aspects of installation and documentation for roofing a new or existing home to meet the FORTIFIED standards. This course is ideal for experienced roofers looking to expand their business and marketing opportunities.