We are better understanding the science behind disasters and hazards, and states and local governments are taking action through new policies to account for risk to better protect their citizens.
Pictured left to right - Rowan Douglas, 2017 National Tornado Summit (NTS) Opening Speaker and CEO of Willis Towers Watson; Julie Shiyou-Woodard, President and CEO of Smart Home America, and; John Doak, Commissioner of Insurance for the State of Oklahoma on the first day of the 2017 NTS.
-The Tornado Summit is not just for tornados anymore. It has become a popular venue for all types of disaster professionals from around the country, including flood, hail, wind, and wildfire. Not only are tornado experts and practitioners relying on this singular conference to advance knowledge and action within their field, but professionals in other hazards also found valuable information, tools and resources. Smart Home America will soon begin educating more on flood risks and preparedness, so we were especially excited about the flood sessions.
-Science and policy are coming together in many ways. We are better understanding the science behind disasters and hazards, and states and local governments are taking action through new policies to account for risk and better protect their citizens.
-The FORTIFIED HomeTM building standard is continuing to gain recognition nationally. The opening session on day two of the summit was a dedicated panel discussion specifically about FORTIFIED. We heard about the science and application of the building standard as well as its success from different parts of the country!
This is the second year of our team attending the Summit and we thoroughly enjoyed interacting with and learning from world-class experts. We look forward to sharing more of these valuable experiences with you in our next event blog!