Inland and Coastal Construction Code Supplements
The Construction Code Supplement uses FORTIFIED Home beyond-code recommendations to provide improved protection and added benefits for communities and residents. There are two versions of the Code Supplement. One for coastal communities and one for inland communities. Both are supplemental codes to the International Residential Code (IRC) and may be adopted by jurisdictions and municipalities.

Louisiana Fortify Homes Program Grant Development
We worked with the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) as subject matter experts and technical assistance providers. We provided model resources from other state-based grant programs and held training for staff to understand how the program could function. These efforts culminated in the passage of the 2022 Act 554, which created the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program. We continue to provide technical support and training for the grant program and LDI.

Strengthen Alabama Homes Grant Pilot Program
A collaboration between Smart Home America (SHA), the Alabama Department of Insurance (ALDOI), Habitat for Humanity, and the Africatown Community Development Corporation (ACDC) with the goal to understand the needs of the community, identify how to best distribute grants to eligible homeowners, and inform a larger statewide community-focused program. The program demonstrates the development and implementation of a disaster resiliency-focused, government-funded program and paved the way for a statewide program

The Community Resilience Housing Guide
We were awarded a US EPA Gulf of Mexico Program Cooperative Agreement to create a new post-disaster housing recovery plan. We are now in the pilot phase of the project. This project will end July 2024.

The Gulf Coast Mitigation Guidebook
We created this Guidebook under an agreement with the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Gulf Star program. This Guidebook provides an overview of Federal and state-based resources for mitigation programs, insurance and tax incentives for resilient construction, and policies that promote practices that mitigate hazard impacts.

The Homeowners Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards
We led the efforts to update the format and content of the Homeowners Handbook for the Gulf states. These handbooks are developed in partnership with many subject matter experts and organizations and are maintained by NOAA Sea Grant. States with a Homeonwers Handbook are AL, DE, FL, HI, LA, Marina Islands, MA, MS, TX, and VA.

The Alabama Coastal Insurance Shoppers Guide
This Guide was created with The Alabama Center for Insurance Information and Research (ACIIR) and the Coastal Alabama Partnership. This free Guide features sections on buying homeowners insurance, elements of coverage, flood insurance, a Homeowner's comparison checklist, and "Top 10 Questions to ask when buying insurance."