Now is the time to find the best information so you can make informed decisions. Mississippi has many benefits in place for upgrading to a FORTIFIED Roof™. A FORTIFIED Roof will strengthen your roof, save you money on home insurance and taxes, and can help to ensure the safety of your home during the next Hurricane.

FORTIFIED Discounts - Mississippi homeowners can save up to 55% on their insurance by re-roofing or building using FORTIFIED. The Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association (MWUA) also provides up to a 30% insurance discount on homes that have been constructed and certified under the FORTIFIED for Safer Living program.

MWUA policies may receive additional insurance discounts for wind mitigation construction in jurisdictions that have been graded with the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) for residential and commercial structures.

FORTIFIED Roof endorsement - Homeowners should check to see if their wind insurance policy includes a FORTIFIED Roof endorsement. This endorsement is available to many homeowners, and the Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association (MWUA) provides the endorsement for free to their policyholders. The endorsement applies when a covered claim results in the replacement of 50 percent or more of a roof and pays to re-roof the home to FORTIFIED standards.

Check home builder or roofers license - Use the Mississippi State Board of Contractors License Verification site to check that your roofer or contractor is licensed. This ensures they are legally able to do work in Mississippi to repair homes after Hurricane Ida.

Insurance claims

  • File a claim with your insurer for both homeowners and flood insurance. Understand your deductibles. You will be responsible for these costs. Negotiate with your adjuster.
  • Use FEMA's How Do I Start My Flood Claim? website to understand the insurance claims, repair, and rebuilding process.
  • Use this checklist from FEMA to understand what you need when filing a flood insurance claim and how to negotiate with your insurance adjuster.

Download Mississippi's Homeowners Handbook to Prepare for Natural Disasters - The Homeowners Handbook is a comprehensive document that provides an overview of the hazards most likely to affect residents. It contains information about preparing your family, protecting your property, the types of insurance you need, and what to do if your home is damaged during a disaster.

Catastrophe Savings Accounts can be set up at any bank and must be labeled for use as catastrophe savings account by the account owner (not the bank).

Mississippi’s Individual Assistance (IA) Program provides information on Mississippi’s FEMA based support for individuals following a Presidentially declared disaster. This program can provide individuals with support for temporary housing, home repairs, and other essential needs.

Avoid Fraud - Do not assign benefits to a contractor, called an Assigned of Benefits (AOB) contract. Talk with your insurance company about claims directly. Get three repair quotes in writing, on company letterhead. Check for homebuilders or roofer State license. Download our Fraud Checklist

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