Strengthen Alabama Homes

Strengthen Alabama Homes is a grant program available to all residents of Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama. It provides no-match grants to strengthen existing homes using FORTIFIED standards.

Louisiana Fortify Homes Program

Louisiana Fortify Homes is a grant program available to all residents of Louisiana. It provides no-match grants to strengthen existing homes using FORTIFIED standards.


Meet the insurance company that buys you a new roof. The right roof can lower your insurance premiums. The savings can pay for your newly FORTIFIED roof. New programs available, including full financing for a FORTIFIED Roof. 

USDA- Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants

Provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards

HUD 203(k) Loans

These loans allow people to finance the purchase or refinancing of a house and the cost of its rehabilitation. You can choose to either use a single mortgage or to finance the improvement of your existing home.

North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association Coverage

If your home is located in Territory 110 (NCIUA Coverage PF 01 02 11 17) or Territory 120 (NCIUA Coverage PF 01 06 05 18) and has a covered roof claim with more than 50% roof damage, your homeowner’s policy from NCIUA has some unique coverage that may help you cover the costs of a FORTIFIED Roof. You can get up to $5,000 of the cost to upgrade to a FORTIFIED Roof reimbursed if you follow the steps of the program, but upgrading to a FORTIFIED Roof is voluntary. If you have a covered claim with less than 50% roof damage, you can still get reimbursed up to $600 for the FORTIFIED Evaluator fee if you decide to have your roof replaced with a FORTIFIED Roof.

If your home is located in Territories 130, 140, 150, and 160 (NCIUA Coverage PF 01 03 11 17 and PF 01 07 05 18), your homeowner’s policy from NCIUA has some unique coverage that may help you upgrade your roof to a FORTIFIED roof when it is replaced. NCIUA provides up to $600 reimbursement for costs associated with a FORTIFIED evaluation if you decide to have a FORTIFIED Roof installed on your home. Having the upgrades done is voluntary.

North Carolina Strengthen Your Roof Program

NCIUA has implemented an affirmative Pilot Grant Mitigation Program titled Strengthen Your Roof. The Grant Program is designed to improve the resiliency and weather-resistance of properties insured by NCIUA. The Grant Program will provide money to offset some of the replacement costs for qualified roofs to the FORTIFIED Home™ with new roof cover standard. Homeowners must meet a specific set of criteria to apply. The application period is April 15, 2019, to August 1, 2019.

A qualified Participating Policyholder may receive only one grant with a maximum amount of up to $6,000. The total fund amount of the Grant Program is $10,000,000 for 2019 to be reserved on a "first come, first served" basis.

South Carolina Safe Home Home Program 

The South Carolina Safe Home program, administered by the South Carolina Department of Insurance, provides grant money to individual homeowners to make their property more resistant to hurricane and high-wind damage.


Work with a FORTIFIED Evaluator, Find a Qualified Roofer

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