Please read below for our tips and recommendations before applying. Thank you!
The Strengthen Alabama Homes program provides $10,000 in grant funds to owners of primary residences in Mobile or Baldwin Counties, Alabama. Owners must agree to retrofit or mitigate their homes to the FORTIFIED Home™ standard by either re-roofing or performing other updates or upgrades to their homes to receive the grant.
Grants awards are up to $10,000, or the cost of the work to reach FORTIFIED Home Roof or Silver levels, whichever is less.
The grant opens at midnight on the first working day of each quarter. It is advised to apply at midnight to secure an applicant ID. Applicants will have two weeks to submit the required grant paperwork to the program.
In Alabama, homeowners can save up to 35% to 45% off their wind insurance premiums for FORTIFIED Roof or Silver levels.
- If the cost of work needed is above the grant award, that amount will be the homeowner's responsibility to pay the contractor.
There are additional funding opportunities if the amount goes over $10,000
- Talk to your local bank or credit union for financing options.
- There are no income limits nor income tests to qualify for the homeowner.
- Only the home must meet the requirements to be FORTIFIED.
Homeowners must pay for a FORTIFIED Evaluation completed by an approved FORTIFIED Evaluator.
- This may be the only out-of-pocket cost for a homeowner unless the costs of the work go above the grant award.
Homeowners must complete an application.
Be prepared to submit copies of the following:
- Homeowners Insurance
- Wind insurance (if a separate policy from homeowners)
- Flood insurance (if required or carried)
- Proof of income (latest Federal tax return, SSI, disability, etc.)
- Homeowners will be required to notarize a certification provided by the grant program. This will be available after applying.
After being accepted into the program, homeowners must have their projects bid on by three (3) approved contractors from the grant program. *Do not have work performed by unapproved contractors
- Strengthen Alabama Homes is a legislatively established grant program managed by the Alabama Department of Insurance.
- Issues grants to retrofit homes to resist damage from Hurricanes and high winds using the FORTIFIED standard.
- The program is designed to lower insurance rates in Alabama while making communities resilient to storm damage.
- The grant program is funded by increased licensing fees for insurers who do business in the State, not taxpayer money
General Questions? Contact Smart Home America
Application Questions? Contact the grant program.
Contact the Strengthen Alabama Homes grant program staff at the Alabama Department of Insurance.
Learn more at https://StrengthenAlabamaHomes.com
Learn more at https://StrengthenAlabamaHomes.com